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My Home Decor

Spread Date : 06/26/2003


I love old chippy paint windows!! They always add a touch of architectural interest to a room, and “age” the room with the vintage feeling they give. In just about every room of our home, we have added old windows.

When you walk in the front door of our home, and look up, you will see three curved windows on a tall wall. I knew I couldn’t live without the pink one. From there, I discovered the other two and knew they belonged together.

The pair of green windows in our living room were the first two we bought about 10 years ago, and even though a couple of the panes are missing, and the leaded part is bent in a few areas, that has never bothered me. I’m always being asked if they are for sale. Sorry, but they are not.

Most of the time, I like windows with clear glass, but I do have two windows with colored glass. The little stained glass Church window is just leaning against the window in our kitchen, and when the sun comes up in the morning, it looks so pretty. I recently added the curved window in the white chippy frame with the original slag glass above the doors in our family room which leads out to our garden. When we found this one, I instantly fell in love with it and was told it came from an early 1900’s railroad car.

At the top of our stairs, I have a wonderful original painted dresser and mirror. When I found the fabulous leaded glass windows with pink paint, I knew they would be perfect to bring out the pink in the roses without overpowering the dresser.

An old Church window also conceals the fireplace opening in our family room.I also have used windows as a background behind the cabinet in our living room, the tole birdcage in the family room, and the stand in my office. They seem to add a little something extra, without taking away from the items in front.

There is a little pile of more of my favorite windows just leaning against the wall in the guest bedroom. I have to find a spot for them, or they will be going up for auction on ebay~~unless my husband decides to use them in our garden!

If you would like to see my previous sections of “My Home Décor”, you can scroll to the bottom of this page to the Archives. Just click on “Our Bedroom~~Cherubs, Roses and MORE” AND “My Favorite Green Cabinet & Vintage Wedding Toppers”.